Grey Wolf, Black Hills, South Dakota
Grey Wolf, Black Hills, South Dakota
And finally, to round off Final Four week, a UConn Husky — but instead of one photo, we get two because it’s not only the men’s team in the Final Four, but also the Connecticut women’s team. This is actually a grey wolf from the same drive-through wildlife park I talked about the other day when I posted the badger. Huskies, of course, being sled dogs descended from wolves and bred for their speed. Good luck to all the teams. But especially Connecticut.
Top shot: Nikon D700 with Nikkor 70-200mm lens (at 300mm with Nikon teleconverter) ISO 800, f/5 at 1/1250th of a second
Botton shot: Nikon D700 with Nikkor 70-200mm lens (at 340 with Nikon teleconverter) ISO 800, f/4.8 at 1/1000th of a second