An elephant’s eyelashes can be quite long. They protect the eye from dust and also the sun. This guy was grazing very close to our vehicle allowing me to really zoom in on isolated areas of the face. Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 400, f/4 at 1/1250th of a second
First the giraffe’s lashes, now the elephant’s……..are you sure you guys don’t still have the Letisse account? Obviously you are not pitching moisturizers with this incredibly dry skin!
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Wow I’ve never seen an elephant this close therefore I didn’t know elephant has long eyelashes
First the giraffe’s lashes, now the elephant’s……..are you sure you guys don’t still have the Letisse account? Obviously you are not pitching moisturizers with this incredibly dry skin!
Such great detail. Nicely done Sean.
Wow! Women pay some serious money for lashes like that!
Sean what incredible shot no where but here will you see this
Aunt Sue
great eye shot. neat pic.