Eastern Coyote, Farmington, ConnecticutI had another visitor to my camera trap this weekend. An eastern coyote. We often hear coyotes howling at night and I suspect I’ve seen their eyeshine staring back at me from the woods when I have my headlamp on, but I’ve yet to have a verified sighting in the yard. The eastern version of the coyote is supposedly larger than the western variety due to interbreeding with Canadian gray wolves. They call the combo a coywolf and I know there have been efforts to classify it as a separate species altogether. This guy, however, seems quite a bit scrawnier than those I’ve seen and photographed out west. Of course, could be the lack of a thick coat. Nikon D810 with Nikkor 17-35mm lens (at 17mm) ISO 500, f/11 at 1/125th of a second, Cognisys camera box, trail monitor and flashes.