This common brown lemur didn’t seem too pleased to be having his picture taken. Or maybe that big bushy tail of his friend was getting on his nerves. Photographed in central Madagascar back in 2007, I was using my backup camera for some reason that I can’t recall, and its often times deadly pop up flash. It seemed to work okay in this instance though because I was so close to the lemur and there were no distracting branches in the way. Nikon D40x with Nikkor 18-55mm lens (at 55mm) ISO 400, f/5.6 at 1/60th of a second, on camera flash
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Fantastic image! The lemur’s expression is priceless.
Yes, agreed, they can be quite personable subjects.
I love this
oh what fantasic inagames today.
—– To be one with trees
—– To climb swing and to you some
—– Lemur sinew show .
I feel like, with a little cropping, you’ve got the perfect meme picture here.
The tail I had to search for; It looks like a branch! If you did not mention it, I would had not notice it.
Perfect face for the weather today.
So sassy! Love it.