Tasmanian Devil, Maria Island, Tasmania, AustraliaI think this might be my favorite photo of the Tasmanian trip. I had my camera down on the ground and my flash on a tripod off to the right, about equal distance from me and the devil. Because I was on the ground and the background was a good distance behind the devil, I was able to illuminate just the face and nothing else. A well placed bush, also helped cut the light from hitting anything in the background. There were a couple of faint highlights back there on the resulting image, but I was able to hide them with a vignette and a tone curve. The Tasmanian devil has the strongest bite compared to body size of any animal. Those considerable teeth are built for crushing bone. This young guy was actually just having a good yawn while waiting patiently for an older devil to abandon a wallaby kill.
Nikon D800 with Nikkor 70-200mm lens (at 200mm) ISO 800, f/8 at 1/250th of a second, Nikon SB-900 flash