Yesterday I posted mama bear catching a fish. Here’s what her cubs do while she’s hunting. Well, not all the time, but on this occasion, I did catch this young cub doing a bit of a dance back on shore, no doubt excited for a delicious meal to come. Nikon D810 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 1600, f/5 at 1/2000th of a second
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One foot up!
great pic. the dace for the evening has begain for all. ? )
Just wonderful, Sean.
—– A matter of time
—– Til cold Kabuki theater
—– Can be seen from here .
Dance for your dinner.
Haha love it! Big cub! Were you swimming in between the two?
I was on one sandbar and the cub was on another. Mom was in the middle catching fish.
You can feel the excitement
Aunt Sue
Now who was really having more fun–you or the cub? Some happy jingles are in my head now! Thanks for the smile.
Brought a smile and laugh to my face!
next dance craze?