Culpeo Fox, Southern ChileThis is one of those shots that I haven’t shared yet because it’s pretty mediocre photographically. But it is a species of note. Known locally as the culpeo. Or zorro culpeo. Or Andean zorro, Andean fox, Paramo wolf, or Andean wolf. Mostly, however, they call it the culpeo fox. But it isn’t a true fox. It’s more closely related to wolves and jackals. And it isn’t particularly rare. Or endangered. That said, the culpeo, for the most part, stays out of sight. We caught this one walking through the tall grass while we were driving from the southern tip of South America, up into Torres Del Paine National Park in Chile. It’s the second largest canid species in South America, behind the maned wolf.Nikon D500 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 800, f/4 at 1/500th of a second.