I’m in the middle of re-skinning my website due to my old theme no longer doing updates, so hopefully this post goes through. Still lots to do and little errors here and there on the site. For instance, blog titles are showing up white on a white background and I can’t quite figure out how to change color. If you hover over title, it will turn yellow. As for today’s post, a simple portrait of a coyote in Yellowstone. Hopefully, I’ll make more progress on the site tomorrow, including all my galleries.Nikon D300 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 800, f/4 at 1/100th of a second.
Sean, I came across your article on photo traps in National Wildlife-well done!! I especially liked your pic of the backlit opossum. Best Howard Sheridan
He looks like my Corgi. Excdept that the coyote has a mean looking face and my Corgi smiles a lot. Very healthy looking coyote. Love the capture of him looking over a snow bank. Good luck with the redo of your website. I’m working on my own. It can be frustrating at times working out the bugs,
Beautiful photo of one of my favorite creatures. By the way, since you’re updating your website, can you provide a way to add a comment that doesn’t require a sign-on every time?
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Looks like a well fed coyote. Not mangy like the ones I used to see in Gloucester
Sean, I came across your article on photo traps in National Wildlife-well done!! I especially liked your pic of the backlit opossum. Best Howard Sheridan
He looks like my Corgi. Excdept that the coyote has a mean looking face and my Corgi smiles a lot. Very healthy looking coyote. Love the capture of him looking over a snow bank. Good luck with the redo of your website. I’m working on my own. It can be frustrating at times working out the bugs,
Ditto to what your mom says, this one is full and healthy looking, more like a wolf or an Eskimo dog. Gorgeous!
Not your average pooch with a fabulous winter coat.
Beautiful photo of one of my favorite creatures. By the way, since you’re updating your website, can you provide a way to add a comment that doesn’t require a sign-on every time?