The common brushtail possum lives up to its name. I saw a lot of them — both in Tasmania and on my previous trip to Australia ten years ago. The Tasmanian version of the common brushtail, however, has a much different look than the ones I saw on the mainland. They are much more chocolate/brown in color, as opposed to silver/grey. And they tend to spend more time on the ground, rather than in trees. This guy, however, was nestled into a nice flowering pine, as if sitting on his throne, and waving to me as I took his picture. Like most of the wildlife in Tasmania, the common brushtail is strictly nocturnal — nowhere to be seen during the day, but once the sun went down, everywhere. Nikon D810 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 200mm) ISO 3200, f/8 at 1/200th of a second
Remarkable how the color of its head and the color of itts tummy match some of the surrounding foliage. Its schnoz, however, betrays its attempt at camouflage! Sean, your subject, or should I say, this member of the royal family must have been seated in a short pine as it appears you were looking straight into its eyes. Or did you scale a nearby tree to get such a shot? Love that royal wave of the hand!
You are correct Sue. He was in a rather short pine. More of a bush than a tree. I was at about eye level (aided by a hill that I was standing on), as was my flash off to the side.
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He is darling – A fabulous image!
Remarkable how the color of its head and the color of itts tummy match some of the surrounding foliage. Its schnoz, however, betrays its attempt at camouflage! Sean, your subject, or should I say, this member of the royal family must have been seated in a short pine as it appears you were looking straight into its eyes. Or did you scale a nearby tree to get such a shot? Love that royal wave of the hand!
You are correct Sue. He was in a rather short pine. More of a bush than a tree. I was at about eye level (aided by a hill that I was standing on), as was my flash off to the side.
—– Walk down the street give
—– Me a hello. I’m just a
—– Lucky so and so .
Wow – beautiful portraits – awesome!
I’m surprised and flattered. Thank
you . You’ve. found my secret
morning pleasure . Thank you again
Delightful! The shape and positioning of the pads on its paw are very interesting. I wonder why they evolved that way.
This is so great!!
Such an interesting shot! I love the way he/she is positioned holding up their paw and the colors. It’s a picture that really draws you in.
it’s like you’re on the set of Fantastic Mr. Fox
what a cutie!
those are some serious looking spikes near the tips of the branches.
Cool picture.
great pic. ) he is just saying nice hello to[ you, waiting for you to[ take his pic. move on..