Cobb's Wren, Carcass Island, Falkland IslandsThe Cobb’s wren is a fairly plain looking little guy, but it does hold the distinction of being one of only two birds endemic to the Falkland Islands. And despite their uniformly brown appearance and rather small size, they do have lots of personality. On my visit, they would regularly land feet away from me to check out what I was up to. They spend most of their time on the ground which makes them very susceptible to predation by rats and other small carnivores. Luckily, there are no rats or foxes on the islands in the Falklands that Cobb’s wrens inhabit. If this should change, however, and rats were accidentally introduced, the Cobb’s wren would be a sure bet for extinction.
Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 400, f/4 at 1/800th of a second