
There was a large fenced in area in the backyard of the Seal River Lodge that we had access to whenever we weren’t out hiking. Occasionally, a curious bear (usually a new one to the area) would approach the fence, drawn by all the new smells and strange looking creatures. It was a great opportunity for us to view the bears at very close range. Sort of a reverse zoo situation where we were in the cage and the bears were observing us. This was a relatively small bear. He walked up and down the length of the fence for a while, sniffing the air and biting at the wire. Notice in the background the plywood and nails that circle the perimeter of the lodge. This was to keep the bears from getting too close to the windows. Undeterred, several of them found a way to flatten the nails with the sides of their paws and we experienced a few surprise Peeping Toms while we were inside warming up at the end of the day. After dark, the lodge staff would cover up all the lower windows with plywood to avoid any accidents.