I had seen and photographed black howler monkeys before in Central and South America. This red howler is a sub species found only in the north western Amazon basin. I was in a canoe on Lake Chalalan and the light was fading fast when a troop of red howlers came to an area along the lake to sleep for the night. This guy was the alpha male of the troop and a couple of seconds after this shot was taken he was asleep in the V of the tree.
This is a green parrot snake from Madidi National Park in the Amazonian region of Bolivia. I was just outside the lodge when I saw this guy moving around in a pile of leaves. There were a couple of other people around and the snake raised up into this defensive pose and started looking around from one person to the other, freezing for seconds at a time with its mouth open. This gave me several opportunities to get slow shutter speed exposures in the dim light (this one was at 1/30 of a second handheld with my 200-400 vibration reduction lens).
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