Where there is a capybara, there is usually a bird or two. In this case, it’s a pale legged hornero getting a free ride, as well as a few delicious bugs. The capybara is the world’s largest rodent. They are widespread throughout much of South America, up into southern Central America. I photographed this one in the Pantanal of Brazil. Nikon D300 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 200mm) ISO 800, f/4 at 1/250th of a second
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this looks like guigne pig .? great pic. to day.
—– Air is heavy wings tired
—– The best time to hop the bus
—– This ride gets you there .
They look happy together
I love a capybara. The big odd giant animals are some of my favs.
Looks like he was just waiting for you to take this picture
Aunt Sue
Ah!!!! LOVE THIS so much! Carybaras are one of my favorite animals! So much personality!
Wow, What a poser! Great photo! I like his little friend, too!