Canal Zone Treefrog, El Valle, PanamaMy sister Mo put in a request for a frog. Here’s a beauty from last weekend in Panama. My guide was calling it a red-webbed treefrog, but a bit of research led me to the conclusion that the red-webbed treefrog is actually a southeast Asian species, and this guy is more likely the Canal Zone treefrog. Perhaps locally it goes by both common names (Hipsiboas rufitelus being the Latin name). If any of you herpetologists out there think otherwise, please let me know. In either case, it sure was a great looking frog. Very similar in size and shape (and even some of the coloring) to the more famous red-eyed tree frog, also native to the El Valle region of Panama where I took this shot.
Nikon D800 with Nikkor 105mm macro lens, ISO 200, f/25 at 1/60th of a second, two Nikon SB-900 flash units