Calla Lily Spadix, Garrapata State Park, CaliforniaSomething a bit different today — a macro shot of a flower. Actually many flowers. The yellow spike in the middle of a calla lily is called the spadix. It’s made up of many male and female flowers. The male flowers reside on the tip of the spadix and will eventually produce pollen, whereas the female flowers are at the base. I used a very narrow depth of field to bring focus just to the uppermost male flowers. The white area surrounding the spadix is called the spathe. This is the leafy, trumpet-shaped part of the calla lily that we generally consider the flower. I’ve posted a few landscape shots of this very picturesque location before. It’s in Garrapata State Park in California — where a little spring leads down to the ocean. On each side of the spring, the calla lilies grow from the swampy ground.
Nikon D700 with Nikkor 105mm macro lens, ISO 400, f/4 at 1/800th of a second