Here’s another shot from my recent trip down to Florida, and the town of Cape Coral, which has become well known for its rather conspicuous burrowing owl population. That’s mom in the background to the right. There were actually three almost-full-grown chicks but the third was hidden behind these two siblings. Nikon D500 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 400, f/5.6 at 1/640th of a second
No doubt plenty of natural wonders in the Sunshine State. These guys, although fairly common, are hard to spot because they’re only about the size of a can of Coke. Or Pepsi if you prefer.
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That’s a great shot of the 3 owls, Sean!
At first I thought your were making reference to your Mom in the background! LOL. Nice owls.
I thought the same thing since I was there but across the street watching the pro do his thing!
Does kind of sound that way, doesn’t it?
Always hear about them in. News but now I.Can see what they really look like & coloring you captured in photo, just another wonder in Florida!
Aunt Sue
No doubt plenty of natural wonders in the Sunshine State. These guys, although fairly common, are hard to spot because they’re only about the size of a can of Coke. Or Pepsi if you prefer.
—– Of the earth and sky
—– Born to dig and run and fly
—– Sprightly feathered nymphs.
So beautiful. I’m grateful for these images as it gives me views of wildlife I would never get to see.
Cool. Owls are certainly one of the most interesting of the bird species.
That shot made me smile. ANd just the phrase “burrowing owl” is click bate.
Great family group shot