Another highlight of our trip to the Galapagos was running into a huge pod of bottlenose dolphins late one afternoon while traveling from one island to another. There seemed to be a hundred of them, jumping in every direction. Trying to photograph them with a long lens was a bit like playing whack-a-mole. I had to pretty much pick a spot and hope that a dolphin would jump there. This guy was one of my few successful attempts. As you can see, a fairly impressive vertical leap.
Whoah! This is no easy feat. I try catching fish jumping out of marsh water to eat dragonflies and haven’t been successful yet. The reflection of the sky in the trailing water makes this beautiful composition truly extrordinary!
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What can one say? You are God’s photographer.
simply: Woooww!!!!!
How wonderful this moment.
Whoah! This is no easy feat. I try catching fish jumping out of marsh water to eat dragonflies and haven’t been successful yet. The reflection of the sky in the trailing water makes this beautiful composition truly extrordinary!
Great shot!…one of those lucky moments that are difficult to capture.
Oh! EXCELLENT shot! Beautiful, just beautiful!
Fabulous shot! I truly enjoy following your blog.
Wow, Crane. This gave me chills – so beautiful.
Is the sky in the Galapagos always the shade of a cantaloupe? What the??
I have tried to shoot a dolphin or whale before and its pretty much luck, so its incredible you got such a great shot!