Wolves have long been my nemesis — one of the main North American animals that have, for the most part, eluded me in the wild. I see them quite often when I go to Yellowstone, but never close enough for decent photos. This weekend that tradition continued. That being said, I did get relatively close to this young black wolf and its grey companion. The two were howling up on a ridge and eventually disappeared. When they appeared again, we realized that they had duped us by passing by further up the road. As I say every time I leave Yellowstone, I’ll get them next time. For now, this is the best that I could do. Nikon D810 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 400, f/4.5 at 1/4000th of a second
Great shot! I love the way the wolf is incorporated into the landscape. They howled because they were warning you that you were in their territory. There is a wolf sanctuary in Ipswich MA called Wolf Hollow. It’s well worth a visit if you’re ever that way. They take in rehabilitated wolves that can’t be put back into the wild. It’s a great way to observe behavior. The presentation is extremely informative and you get to howl with them.
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graet pic. even if it is far away.
—– Dark beast of the edge
—– Eludes as do death and life
—– Dares to be seized.
It’s always nice to have a goal.
Great shot! I love the way the wolf is incorporated into the landscape. They howled because they were warning you that you were in their territory. There is a wolf sanctuary in Ipswich MA called Wolf Hollow. It’s well worth a visit if you’re ever that way. They take in rehabilitated wolves that can’t be put back into the wild. It’s a great way to observe behavior. The presentation is extremely informative and you get to howl with them.
Amazing!!! Wolves are one of my true favorites of all animals…so wild…so free…