Southern Tamandua (Dark Morph), PeruJust back from another successful trip to the Peruvian Amazon. I was able to capture some of the primates I missed last time as well as quite a few sloths, and other species, including three encounters with tamanduas, aka the lesser anteater. I’ve photographed northern tamanduas before in Costa Rica and Panama. This is the first time photographing southern tamanduas. And I was lucky to see a rare dark morph of the usually cream-colored species. I didn’t even know a dark morph existed (much like a black leopard or jaguar) until this past week. This guy was busy eating all the termites he could find and I got a variety of shots as he moved from tree to tree to get his fill. More to come but right now time for some sleep. Nikon D500 with Nikkor 500mm PF lens, ISO 1600, f/5.6 at 1/500th of a second.