A few winters back I captured this bighorn ram working his way down to a patch of exposed grass on an otherwise snow-covered mountain. Photographed in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Nikon D300 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 210mm) ISO 400, f/11 at 1/500th of a second.
Love this one!! We have big-horned sheep near where I live (Tonasket, WA) …. I usually only see the ewes and lambs … and when I go get a ram in my viewfinder, it isn’t this “poetic” a landscape. I keep hoping to catch one atop a rocky bluff in silhouette against the sky. Still waiting. LOL
Grrreat shot, Sean! Not only did you capture the Yellowstone habitat of bighorn rams, but you captured the behavior of such mammals transiting the nearly vertical challenges their habitat requires. This image is a wall hanger!
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Love this one!! We have big-horned sheep near where I live (Tonasket, WA) …. I usually only see the ewes and lambs … and when I go get a ram in my viewfinder, it isn’t this “poetic” a landscape. I keep hoping to catch one atop a rocky bluff in silhouette against the sky. Still waiting. LOL
meant to type “and when I DO get a ram ….”
Everyone always asks Wyoming, but no one ever asks how is oming doing? Is oming okay? Does oming need to talk? Never.
Grrreat shot, Sean! Not only did you capture the Yellowstone habitat of bighorn rams, but you captured the behavior of such mammals transiting the nearly vertical challenges their habitat requires. This image is a wall hanger!