About a month ago I posted a shot of a single bighorn silhouetted against the late day sky in Badlands National Park. Here’s another from that sequence with several bighorn hanging out on the ridge line. Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 200mm) ISO 400, f/8 at 1/400th of a second
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Usually at the end of—- Day I count on sheep to slip—-Away, the more the merrier.
Looks like big chunks of chocolate with birthday candles in funny shapes on top of the chunks. Must be my sweet tooth taking over my brain!!!
Stunning, superb, exquisite!!
Wow. So glad to see this picture this morning.
Gives new meaning to a landscape view.
Nice colors
great pic, was this pic. taken in the late eveing or was it taken in the morning with ffliter added to change the color of it it?
This was at sunset in the afternoon and no filters were used although the white balance setting on my camera was set a bit warm.
Just amazing as always Sean.Lovely lighting and framing.