As I mentioned in a few recent posts, I took a new compact camera underwater while in Belize. Being the first time I used it, there were plenty of mistakes to be had. The main screw up being that I kept inadvertently hitting the video record button while snorkeling, thinking that I was taking stills. I ended up with lengthy video clips of unusable (and unexpected) footage. But amidst all the shots of nothing-in-particular, there were glimpses of fish, sharks, stingrays and turtles. I cut together the bits that made sense into this short video of Shark Ray Alley. Music be Neil Young for no particular reason other than I like the song, it seems to fit the slow motion vibe and it’s called “On the Beach.” Next time I’ll take an intentional video and see how it goes. (Sony RX100 V with Fantasea underwater housing with wide angle wet lens attached.)
I loved this!! The music choice was stellar … I especially like how the undulating “fins”?? of the ray seemed to keep time to the beat of the music. So nice to get a glimpse into the surroundings you work in. Your happy accidents made me happy.
Most excellent, Sean! That camera captured wonderful underwater hues and gives the viewer a peek at the species one can see in that region’s “bucket of water”.
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I loved this!! The music choice was stellar … I especially like how the undulating “fins”?? of the ray seemed to keep time to the beat of the music. So nice to get a glimpse into the surroundings you work in. Your happy accidents made me happy.
Thanks Karen. I hope to get underwater again soon.
Really fun, and I’m a big Neil Young fan, so I loved the soundtrack.
Ha, thanks Rick. He’s definitely in my top five all time.
Could have fooled me no “Mistake” here so much to see in underworld Thanks for sharing the smooth move of it all
Aunt Sue
Thanks Aunt Sue. This was a fun one for both me and Karen.
What an amazing mistake! Loved it.
First of all, there’s no relation.
Next, getting to your video, way too short!
Thanks Patti. Hope all is well with you.
Thanks for sharing. I felt like I was scuba diving for a few moments.
Most excellent, Sean! That camera captured wonderful underwater hues and gives the viewer a peek at the species one can see in that region’s “bucket of water”.
Thanks Sue. Can’t wait to get it back in the water again.
SEAN!! This is beyond amazing!!
Thanks Alan. Fun to switch it up a bit.
—– Hover in silence
—– Your chance to graze
—– Till the music and energy
—– Command the current
—– And touch your very soul .
Lucky mistake!