Beaver, Avon, ConnecticutA quick break from the Amazon for something considerably closer to home. I received my new Nikon Z8 mirrorless camera recently and finally got it out for some testing. This is my first foray into the world of mirrorless. I had held out for years because I didn’t want to switch from Nikon and they hadn’t offered anything compelling enough for me to switch to the new system from what I’ve been currently using. So far I love it and can’t wait to bring it to Africa in a few weeks. To use a cliche, it really is a game changer when it comes to functionality. As for the pic, I was hoping to photograph some birds when I spotted a beaver dam out of the corner of my eye. Sure enough there were two beavers swimming around. It was late in the day and I was shooting at auto ISO. This is at ISO 5600 — much higher than I usually shoot — and the noise levels were surprisingly low and the sharpness was great. I’ll have to head back to this location and see if I can finally get some beaver photos out of the water where you can see the tail. Nikon Z8 with Nikkor 500mm PF lens, ISO 5600, f/5.6 at 1/800th of a second.