Baobab and Sisal, Southern MadagascarThis is a bit of an unusual post for me because there are no animals, and the hand of man is in the landscape. Even so, I always liked this one from my Madagascar trip. The tree in the background is a baobab. In the foreground are young sisal plants, part of a sisal plantation. Unfortunately, many of the original baobabs (and other native forests) were cleared for crops, cattle and other farming. At least a few of the old trees still remain. There are eight species of baobabs in the world — six occur on Madagascar, one on mainland Africa, and the other in Australia. I’ve often said that Madagascar is my favorite exotic location and I vow to get back some day. When I do, I’d like to visit the southwestern coast where most of the baobabs can be found.
Nikon D40x with Nikkor 18-55mm lens (at 35mm) ISO 100, f/6.3 at 1/100th of a second