Here’s another of the baby hanuman langurs that were all over the place in India. This one was in Bandhavgarh National Park. Is it wrong to say he looks a bit like Michael Jackson?
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Love this picture-he looks human. I see eyes full of expression! Wonderful!
Thank you!
Maybe his nose resembles MJ
Wait. How many hands does Baby Michael have? I’m counting three. And it looks like an eye on the mother’s hand.
If saying that is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
I think he’s cuter than MJ. Look at his little tongue! He looks like he’s smiling.
Omg, how is something soooo cute and soooo ugly at the same time!! Maybe it is the MJ nose. :/
Or Grannie
Where my lemurs at??
More lemurs on the way Jimmy. Stay tuned.
A cute and happy baby!
mom needs a bra. or at least pasties.