After a morning of carrying tourists through the jungle, this Asia elephant was enjoying a refreshing bath in the river water at Tangkahan in Sumatra, Indonesia. These elephants are apparently very well cared for and form deep bonds with their handlers. At least that’s what I was told, and I didn’t see any evidence to suggest otherwise. Nikon D300 with Nikkor 70-200mm lens (at 125mm) ISO 400, f/5.6 at 1/640th of a second
This elephant looks fine, but I went to a presentation by a local veterinarian who volunteers in Thailand to help elephant handlers better care for their animals and his photos were shocking. Many elephants had deep scar marks on their heads from being hit repeatedly with a pick. Young elephants are broken in by being tied between trees and beaten until they have no resistance left in them. I will never again patronize any business in Asia that uses elephants in this way.
Thanks Suzanne. Understood, and perhaps that’s true at Tangkahan as well but the Veterinary Society for Sumatran Wildlife Conservation runs this community based program. The elephants help to monitor the forests against loggers and illegal poaching. Again, this is what I hear. Who knows. The elephants all seemed well cared for but you never know what goes on behind the scenes.
I’m reading a wonderful book, ‘Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel’. It is helpful to realize what a full emotional and social life animals have and how intelligent they are. If we can stop comparing them to us and instead see them as sentient beings in their own right, it makes a big difference. This elephant is beautiful and may be cared for, but I assume that he was stolen away from his family and his natural surroundings and that he is missing all of that intensely. Great photograph, thanks for sharing it – just really makes one think and wonder, right?
My wife and I visited this very elephant camp a few years ago. In fact my wife rode on this same elephant’s neck in the short ride thru the jungle. We were very impressed with the condition of these particular elephants and the care their handlers gave them. Their skin was so clean you could have eaten a meal off of that skin! Tangkahan’s elephants are very well cared for. My hats off to their mahouts.
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What a remarkable animal and so well-captured, Sean. The detail in this photo is amazing. I like it!
This elephant looks fine, but I went to a presentation by a local veterinarian who volunteers in Thailand to help elephant handlers better care for their animals and his photos were shocking. Many elephants had deep scar marks on their heads from being hit repeatedly with a pick. Young elephants are broken in by being tied between trees and beaten until they have no resistance left in them. I will never again patronize any business in Asia that uses elephants in this way.
Thanks Suzanne. Understood, and perhaps that’s true at Tangkahan as well but the Veterinary Society for Sumatran Wildlife Conservation runs this community based program. The elephants help to monitor the forests against loggers and illegal poaching. Again, this is what I hear. Who knows. The elephants all seemed well cared for but you never know what goes on behind the scenes.
great pic. thanks me
Henry Moore could see
That an elephants’ skull could be
His ” Nuclear Energy “
I’m reading a wonderful book, ‘Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel’. It is helpful to realize what a full emotional and social life animals have and how intelligent they are. If we can stop comparing them to us and instead see them as sentient beings in their own right, it makes a big difference. This elephant is beautiful and may be cared for, but I assume that he was stolen away from his family and his natural surroundings and that he is missing all of that intensely. Great photograph, thanks for sharing it – just really makes one think and wonder, right?
Gorgeous animal. So glad you were able to capture the moment.
Thanks Sean. I would imagine elephants could enjoy purpose of a job with a good handler.
But then I imagine.
A great shot of a great moment with amazing detail….he looks happy to me
Really is a beautiful animal. I hope it is well cared for!
My wife and I visited this very elephant camp a few years ago. In fact my wife rode on this same elephant’s neck in the short ride thru the jungle. We were very impressed with the condition of these particular elephants and the care their handlers gave them. Their skin was so clean you could have eaten a meal off of that skin! Tangkahan’s elephants are very well cared for. My hats off to their mahouts.
Agreed Bill. They really seemed to enjoy bath time as the mahouts were cleaning them.