I promise I’ll get back to posting leopards, and giraffes and monkeys soon, but indulge me for yet another week with the penguins of the Falkland Islands. This is another baby king penguin at Volunteer Point. You can see more baby penguins in the background with their brown feathers before they start to molt (shed their baby feathers). Nikon D810 with Nikkor 17-35mm lens (at 17mm) ISO 800, f/18 at 1/125th of a second
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Masterful. Truly amazing
Thanks Mary.
“Oh what a beautiful morning….” Such a great shot, Sean. The lighting is superb!
An artist sees the drama —- Exaultant bird against the morning sky —- Urging the world to sing .
What a shot!
The composition in itself is fantastic, but it’s the back-lighting that brings this shot over the top!
Thanks Rachel, always nice when the creatures and the sky cooperate at the same time.
they are adorable! keep posting as long as you like
Wow! This is truly one of your best ever – best composition, best lighting, beautiful!!!!! SO GREAT! You MUST enter this one into a contest!
Thanks Amanda. The Falklands were certainly good to me when it came to light and of course, willing subjects to pose in front of it.
great pic. we don,t care if they arqe giffiaie or money they are great pic, keep up the good work?.
I enjoy your pictures Sean.
Thanks Donna. Nice to hear. I love posting them every day.
This is stunning! The perspective, the sky, “the flock” behind him. He looks like he is ready to dance or sing! Really love this, it’s Prize worthy!