I spotted this mustang and her young foal in Monument Valley last year. Also known as wild horses, or feral horses, mustangs in the American west are descendants of horses brought over from Spain by early explorers. Most were brought to either Mexico or Florida. Eventually a few escaped or were stolen by native Americans and they rapidly spread throughout the west.
“Wild Horses couldn’t dragggg me awayyyy/Wild, Wild Horses/we’ll ride them some day.” -Rolling Stones
You can hear the acoustic guitar ending, can’t you Sean? :-)))
“When you’ve finished with the mop then you can stop and look at what you’ve done/the plateau’s clean, no dirt to be seen/and the work, it was fun.
“Nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds/Seen a lot up there but don’t be scared/Who needs action when you got words?”
-Meat Puppets song made famous by Nirvana on MTV unplugged
What can I say Sean? You’ve inspired rock lyrics with your photograph. Nice work.
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“Wild Horses couldn’t dragggg me awayyyy/Wild, Wild Horses/we’ll ride them some day.” -Rolling Stones
You can hear the acoustic guitar ending, can’t you Sean? :-)))
“When you’ve finished with the mop then you can stop and look at what you’ve done/the plateau’s clean, no dirt to be seen/and the work, it was fun.
“Nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds/Seen a lot up there but don’t be scared/Who needs action when you got words?”
-Meat Puppets song made famous by Nirvana on MTV unplugged
What can I say Sean? You’ve inspired rock lyrics with your photograph. Nice work.
OMG – Sophia will LOVE this one!
I’m jealous, but I still love your work.