Young Wombat Emerging From Burrow
Just got back home tonight after a great trip to Tasmania — a land of marsupials, monotremes and amazing landscapes and birds. Of all the creatures I met, perhaps the most personable was the wombat. And I saw quite a few of them. My favorite was this little guy who lives in Coles Bay, just outside of Freycinet National Park on the east coast. And I say little because he was a young wombat, but these guys are anything but small and can typically grow to about 77 pounds. They look like huge furry boulders moving across the landscape, constantly munching grass. Their closest relatives are koalas, although from what I’ve read, they’re not all that closely related. They can be active in both the day or the night, unlike much of the other wildlife that I photographed which was strictly nocturnal. My days involved getting up at 4 AM for the early light and then staying out late at night for spotlighting. Much more on wombats and the rest of Tasmania in future posts, but for now it’s time for some much needed sleep.
Nikon D800 with Sigma 15mm fisheye lens, ISO 800, f/7.1 at 1/1600th of a second
Lovely! He has such an adorable face. I was working on some of my own photos this evening, when suddenly I thought of you and wondered when we would be hearing from you. Voila! Your post appeared. Welcome home, Sean. Looking forward to seeing some of your other Tasmanian delights.
Thanks Sue, it was a great trip. Many new and interesting creatures to come.
Oh, man, is that cute.
this a cute little cresure. looks like might make great pet. ( great pic. )
—– Compact and free of earth
—– From the down unders’ down under
—– An adorable young friend .
—– Welcome home .
Looks cute and cuddly. But they are aid animals, right, so probably not too cuddly. So nice to have you back on USA turf, Sean, with all the craziness going on.
should be WILD, not aid
Great to have you back Sean! A much better way for me to start the day with your wonderful photos than what I read on AP or CNN. Welcome home
No doubt Marcia. Thanks.
Welcome back Sean. Missed your posts. They must have some liberal vacation policy over there….
Missed your everyday posts glad your back on US Soil
Looking forward to your sharing the rest of the adventure , my 1st look at a wombat
Aunt Sue
Thanks Aunt Sue. It was a wonderful trip. I’m looking forward to sharing more.
Missed your posts. Welcome back. And i want a wombat.
Me too!
Welcome back
Gorgeous pic. Love wombats. So expressive. Brilliant- look forward to more posts.
Thanks Susie,
They certainly have a lot of personality, as do most of the creatures on Tasmania.
Just saw this wombat story posted on Facebook.
Ah I am getting caught up and see you went! Love all the photos. Thanks for sharing.
I don’t know why we don’t see more wombat toys he’s just about the cutest animal ever!