This was the third tiger that I saw in India. Unlike the first two that I viewed from an open air jeep, I had to get on top of an elephant to see this one. She was resting in the shade of some bushes and I couldn’t really get a good look, but then she suddenly lifted up to scratch her chin and I was able to get this shot.
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Amazing! I want to see you on the elephant as well.
Gorgeous, Sean. Beautiful animals, as this photo clearly illustrates.
Oh how I love this shot, this is so gorgeous. The detail in the whiskers and fur around the mouth is amazing…looks sooooo soft & cuddly, lol.
OMG soooooooo cute!!!!!
Very cool. Nice shot Sean.
Wow! Love the big cats! What a great pic!
Friggin’ amazing! I mean, really. amAZing.
Thanks Angelina, as always.
This is why you went to India. Perfect as my kitty purrs looking at it.
She is gorgeous, what a cute expression!