This guy is called a hoary marmot. He was lounging on a rock high up a mountainside in Mount Rainier National Park. When the sun is up they like to sprawl out on rocks to soak up the warmth. Nikon D300 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 400, f/8 at 1/500th of a second
Hi there! Yes, it’s me. Just checking out the scenery while sun-bathing. Good one Sean. Are they a member of the rodent family, prairie dog or squirrell. Somehow I thought a Marmot was a member of the simian family.Then when I think about it, I was thinking of marmoset!
They are in fact rodents. More specifically, large ground squirrels. A completely different animal than the marmoset, which yes, is a simian. They are quite easy to photograph here in our western states if you know where to go.
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Hi there! Yes, it’s me. Just checking out the scenery while sun-bathing. Good one Sean. Are they a member of the rodent family, prairie dog or squirrell. Somehow I thought a Marmot was a member of the simian family.Then when I think about it, I was thinking of marmoset!
Hey Lawrie,
They are in fact rodents. More specifically, large ground squirrels. A completely different animal than the marmoset, which yes, is a simian. They are quite easy to photograph here in our western states if you know where to go.
great pic, oh what cute little creature.
Marmot, groundhog or —– Squirrel ,our group not fleet of foot—-Very bad in traffic.
Great use of space and DOF!
Looks like he is ready to pounce.