Lesser Rhea, Outside Punta Arenas, ChileMeet the lesser rhea, otherwise known as Darwin’s rhea. Also otherwise known as the flightless bird they make feather dusters out of. In addition to their feathers, they are also farmed for their meat and eggs, their hide for leather and their oil for cosmetics. Needless to say, they have become near threatened in much of their range. Within Torres Del Paine, they are protected, at least from humans. Pumas will hunt them to add variety to their guanaco-rich diet. Rheas are related to the emu and are one of the world’s four large flightless birds along with the cassowary and the ostrich (there are other flightless birds in the world, but those four are the big boys).
Nikon D500 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 800, f/4 at 1/640th of a second