In addition to jackrabbits, I also photographed roadrunners last weekend in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. I was able to get my camera onto the ground for this one as the roadrunner ran across the desert floor in search of a meal. By getting the camera low, not only was I able to get a much more pleasing perspective of the bird, I was also able to bring out the blurred pastel colors of the desert. Like the jackrabbit yesterday, roadrunners seem to have a special charm, perhaps born of their harsh existence in the desert. They are also known as the chaparral cock, ground cuckoo, and snake killer. I kind of like that last one. Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 270mm) ISO 800, f/4 at 1/640th of a second
It’s funny Lawrie, at my office about 40 people receive my photo of the day and I can’t tell you how many of them said the same thing — that now they know what a roadrunner looks like. People just have an image of the famous cartoon character in their heads, which doesn’t look much like the actual thing. We don’t get roadrunners near where I live in on the east coast, and unless you make the time to visit the desert in the southwest you might never see one.
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Beautiful shot Sean, I always wondered what a road runner looked like. I like the way he appears to be in 3D against the background.
It’s funny Lawrie, at my office about 40 people receive my photo of the day and I can’t tell you how many of them said the same thing — that now they know what a roadrunner looks like. People just have an image of the famous cartoon character in their heads, which doesn’t look much like the actual thing. We don’t get roadrunners near where I live in on the east coast, and unless you make the time to visit the desert in the southwest you might never see one.
No teeth, no tiny arms—-Ancient energy, feathers or scales—-Present still the past.
Very impressive photo Sean. Amazing color and texture and the sense of motion.
Thanks Larry. Good things happen when that long lens gets on the ground.
Beep, beep….
Doesn’t look much like the cartoon, does he?
Another incredibly detailed shot! LOVE!
So much smaller than I thought.
I know Shardae. Growing up we were lied to by Merrie Molodies.