Although not nearly as spectacular as their male counterparts, female wood ducks are still pretty good looking birds. On last January’s trip to the Vancouver area, I was able to photograph both sexes. Above, a portrait of a female wood duck, and below an action shot of one taking off from a pond. (top photo) Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 270mm) ISO 1600, f/5 at 1/800th of a second (bottom photo) Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 210mm) ISO 1600, f/5 at 1/800th of a second
Beautiful images.
(now if only I could take photos of our Australian Wood Ducks as well as you).
Our Australian Wood Ducks, (Chenonetta jubata), are nowhere near as attractive as yours. Has the same breast & upper chest feathers though. Doesn’t have the yellow around the eye or the aqua cap either.
As to your observation about a decrease in ‘views’ on your post the other day, I think we all like bird close-ups, or close-up action shots (like the eagle post). My poor eyesight is part of my reason for liking close-ups, but in general, I think everyone likes that feeling of being close-up and feeling at one with the birds/animals.
Wonderful photos Sean. I find that the females are easier to photograph then the males, both are quite shy and difficult to capture before they sly off. Hope your visit was to our lovely city Vancouver, BC, we do have some gorgeous wildlife in our area. :o)
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Beautiful images.
(now if only I could take photos of our Australian Wood Ducks as well as you).
Our Australian Wood Ducks, (Chenonetta jubata), are nowhere near as attractive as yours. Has the same breast & upper chest feathers though. Doesn’t have the yellow around the eye or the aqua cap either.
As to your observation about a decrease in ‘views’ on your post the other day, I think we all like bird close-ups, or close-up action shots (like the eagle post). My poor eyesight is part of my reason for liking close-ups, but in general, I think everyone likes that feeling of being close-up and feeling at one with the birds/animals.
Wonderful photos Sean. I find that the females are easier to photograph then the males, both are quite shy and difficult to capture before they sly off. Hope your visit was to our lovely city Vancouver, BC, we do have some gorgeous wildlife in our area. :o)
Be the duck !
Lovely portrait of a beautiful girl!
Who doesn’t like a duck?
Duck, duck, goose. Where’s the goose?
great pic.
Yes the female wood duck is not as showy as the male but you just have to look a little harder to realize its beauty in which you captured Sean.
I love their beautiful colours one of my favourite. Another great shot. Thank you for sharing Sean your the best