Here’s another shot of a dwarf cuscus from Sulawesi in Indonesia. Not much bigger than a squirrel, these animals are marsupials and the largest member of the possum family. When first discovered, the cuscus was thought to be a monkey because of the way it moves through the trees with its prehensile tail.
I would think that the possum is the largest member of the possum family since the possums I’ve met have been larger than a squirrel. But you’re the expert
Good point, Angelina. Cuscus in general are the largest of the possums, but this particular cuscus is the dwarf cuscus and as the name would suggest, one of the smallest of its kind. The bear cuscus, now that’s a big guy.
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I used to have dreams of fame & money like this cuscus. I just hope he doesn’t give up on his.
I would think that the possum is the largest member of the possum family since the possums I’ve met have been larger than a squirrel. But you’re the expert
Good point, Angelina. Cuscus in general are the largest of the possums, but this particular cuscus is the dwarf cuscus and as the name would suggest, one of the smallest of its kind. The bear cuscus, now that’s a big guy.
Ah, of course, the bear cuscus, forgot about him!
I love the cuscus…however, I prefer the tabouli.