Just going to keep rolling with a heavy dose of bears for the time being. Lemurs and hippos will return soon. This is what the brown bears in Lake Clark were fishing for — the coho salmon, also known as the silver salmon. Coho are a fairly large salmon and provided a nice alternative to the grass that these bears were feasting upon seemingly twenty four hours a day. Nikon D500 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 330mm) ISO 1600, f/4 at 1/1600th of a second
Forgive me for repeating myself, but there is a reason “awesome” continues to flow from my pen, Sean. You’ve done it again! It is easy to zero in on the sheer power of the bear’s powerful paw. The unfortunate salmon surely did not suffer long. My gaze ends as I focus on the bear’s eyes. Is it looking for its next fish or is it ready to guard its freshly-caught dinner from a hungry intruder? Well done!
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Forgive me for repeating myself, but there is a reason “awesome” continues to flow from my pen, Sean. You’ve done it again! It is easy to zero in on the sheer power of the bear’s powerful paw. The unfortunate salmon surely did not suffer long. My gaze ends as I focus on the bear’s eyes. Is it looking for its next fish or is it ready to guard its freshly-caught dinner from a hungry intruder? Well done!
—– Drama fur and scale
—– Where do your sympathies lie
—– As fish eyes its fate .

Another amazing photo Sean. It seemed as if I could hear the sounds of the water and the bear wading. Thanks.
What a fantastic shot. And that trickle of blood coming from the salmon just tops it off.