A Barrow’s goldeneye flies past the blurred peaks of Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Nikon D300 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 400, f/4 at 1/2500th of a second.
Nice “in flight” shot. I try for these and rarely get a good focused picture … but then I’m just an amateur! I enjoy your photos every evening. Keep ’em coming
——- Chiaroscuro , difficult to scuro be
——- When marked so vividly
——- Some birds show a colour flash
——- Many birds are fast and brown
——- Some birds are very large yet no
——- Memories cling so well as
——- Merganser Bufflehead
——- And Goldeneye.
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Nice “in flight” shot. I try for these and rarely get a good focused picture … but then I’m just an amateur! I enjoy your photos every evening. Keep ’em coming
Looks like he is taking a break.
Very nice flight shot. I’m curious, as I’m trying to tackle birds in flight shots. Do you use back button focus?
——- Chiaroscuro , difficult to scuro be
——- When marked so vividly
——- Some birds show a colour flash
——- Many birds are fast and brown
——- Some birds are very large yet no
——- Memories cling so well as
——- Merganser Bufflehead
——- And Goldeneye.
great pic. It looks like duck that belongs in a pond. ? ) great pic. of the eyes. )