I met this Asian palm civet late one night while wandering around outside of a small village in Sumatra. I have no good reason as to why I was wandering around in the dark outside of a small village in Sumatra, other than the fact that I was hoping to meet creatures like this Asian palm civet. Civets are sort of the raccoons of Sumatra (and many other regions of southeast Asia) although they aren’t related at all. Spotlighting alone is always a challenge, as I have to shine the light from my headlamp on the subject in order to gain focus, while working with flashes to light the subject. Luckily, this guy stayed around just long enough for me to get a few shots. Nikon D300 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 340mm) ISO 500, f/10 at 1/60th of a second, two SB-900 flash units
Remarkably clear shot, considering the lack of natural light. This civet has a raccoon-like mask, though it is not as pronounced as those I have seen on the 40+ pound “Hoover vacuum” cleaners that roam Yosemite Valley.
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It looks as though the civet was also wondering why you were wandering around in the dark outside of a small village in Sumatra.
Nice work!
Remarkably clear shot, considering the lack of natural light. This civet has a raccoon-like mask, though it is not as pronounced as those I have seen on the 40+ pound “Hoover vacuum” cleaners that roam Yosemite Valley.
—– Handsome feliform
—– Of mammalian distrait
—– Curious nocturne .
Looks like a cross between a raccoon and a ferret.
Love the pics and the stories behind them!