A friend of mine recently asked if I ever look at giraffes or elephants while on safari and think about how amazing it is that such large beasts roam around in the wild. My answer, of course, was yes — but even more amazing to me is that this little cat that looks like it should be crawling out of a little box in my apartment, roams around in the wild amongst lions and leopards. It’s an African wildcat and it is, in fact, an ancestor of the domestic house cat. It’s believed that African wildcats were first domesticated some 9,000 years ago. They are mainly active during the night, which is when we came across this one, well after the sun had set. Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 800, f/4 at 1/60th of a second, Nikon SB-900 flash, balanced with a spotlight
Hey Michael, I’m sure a cat like this can be domesticated (as they are the ancestors to our domestic cats) but I like the idea of him/her running around amongst the big cats better.
Most of the smaller cats in Africa and in South America can be domesticated (servals, margays, etc).
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So very beautiful and love your story……
Words and photo perfect indeed! Here kitty-kitty-kitty…
C’mon Sean, admit it. You took your cat with you on safari. Nice capture. ;-))
I don’t know how you do it, but you come across the most wonderful things! Love it!
nice pic, could wecapture this cat and make pet out him, great pic.
Hey Michael, I’m sure a cat like this can be domesticated (as they are the ancestors to our domestic cats) but I like the idea of him/her running around amongst the big cats better.
Most of the smaller cats in Africa and in South America can be domesticated (servals, margays, etc).
Wow so beautiful I would love to have him as my pet that would be so great. Another one of your perfect shots. Thanks for sharing
Thanks Connie.